Building Community: “Together, Not the Same”

  • September 25, 2016

“For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.  We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us.”                                                           Romans 12:4-6

What makes our youth community strong, safe, and fun?  This is the question that the we have been exploring in September as we eat, play, pray, and study together.  We kicked off the year with our annual game night/pizza party where we enjoyed team building games, yummy food, and the all-time favorites:  Apples to Apples and Glow in the Dark Sardines.  img_7586

In class on Sunday mornings, the youth brainstormed attributes of positive community building based on their own experiences and then we read various passages in the Bible to discover that God has some very similar ideas about how we can best live and grow together.


Putting words into action, the youth group continued to strengthen their own community with a trip to Davis Farmland’s Mega Maze.  Working together, with some added friendly competition between the boys and girls, they made their way with flashlights through 8 acres of corn and close to 3 miles of puzzling pathways.  They then rewarded themselves with fall treats from the snack bar enjoyed around a cozy campfire.   Warming up in body and spirit with roaring flames, story-telling, and lots of laughter, the gift of time together was treasured!
