Celebrating in the light together: WCUC’s first Advent Spiral

Looking for new ideas to celebrate Advent, I came across a traditiSpriral 2on called an Advent      Spiral on a Waldorf School website. The idea is simple, yet magical: construct a spiral from evergreen trimmings, place a large candle in the center, and give each child one candle to light and place around the spiral. Slowly and beautifully the light grows in the spiral, symbolizing pushing back the darkness of Advent and waiting for the Light of Jesus. Melissa Tustin echoed my excitement to Spiral 1try this gorgeous activity, and suggested we add a tree-decorating component, based on another beautiful and simple tradition of creating natural ornaments to trim a wild tree in the woods or in a garden to feed the local wildlife. Yet another example of finding light and life in unexpected places during the dark, cold days of Advent. On the evening of December 7th, Melissa and I invited the preschool children and their families to come experience the mystery, wonder, and quiet waiting spiral 3of Advent in a whole new way. Sixteen children and 13 adults joined us for a story, a walk in our spiral, delicious refreshments, and an assortment of natural ornament crafts created to decorate a tree in our Welcome Garden (look for our tree the next time you visit the garden!). It was a wonderful evening filled with beauty, meditation, and lots of joy, and the beginning of a tradition we hope will continue for many years to come.  ~Jessica

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