Youth Group Faith Formation: Prayer

  • October 17, 2014

Using Anne Lamott’s book “Help, Thanks, Wow!:  The Three Essential Prayers” as a starting point, the youth have been exploring the topic of prayer and examining the use of prayer is Scripture and in our own lives.   We came up with two additions to Lamott’s list – the “I’m sorry” prayer and the “Shhh” (or listening) prayer.  After discussing these five types of prayers and sharing examples with one another, we took a short field trip outside to experience walking prayer in our church’s beautiful stone labyrinth.  Each participant was asked to choose one of the five styles of prayer and meditate on it as they walked in this ancient tradition.  The sharing and reflections that followed were inspiring!   When and how do you pray?  Do you tend to use one style more often than others?  What works best for you?  What makes prayer hard?  We’d love to hear about your experiences with prayer!IMG_3930 IMG_3933